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Accept Private Offer

Guidance to accept the private offer as the end buyer in GCP marketplace


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to accept a private offer on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) marketplace. It explains the process of reviewing and accepting the offer, checking the start and end dates, and understanding the usage metrics. It also guides users through the signup process, including filling out the necessary fields and upgrading their account.

Before you begin

To accept private offer in GCP marketplace, you must have the one of following Identity and Access Management (IAM) role(s):

If you don't have the correct role(s), request access from a Billing Administrator or Organization Administrator. For information and steps on granting roles, see Access control.

Accept private offer

  1. Open the private offer link sent from the Suger notification email or sales representative.

  2. In the Review and subscribe section, review the final details, including the plan policy. To acknowledge the additional requirements, select the checkboxes.

  3. Click Subscribe. A window appears to confirm your subscription.

  4. In the confirmation window, click View orders to see the order status for all of your private offers, or click Go to Marketplace to browse Cloud Marketplace.

  5. Depending on the product, you might need to activate your subscription directly with the vendor.

After you subscribe, the vendor is prompted to accept the offer. The offer pricing takes effect on the contract start date, as outlined in the offer.

Accept offer with auto-renew

If the vendor has configured auto-renew, you can enable the private offer to automatically renew at the end of the contract. If you turn on auto-renew, the renewed offer uses the same contract duration as the current offer. For offers that charge based on your usage, the renewed offer might include changes in usage metric pricing if the vendor has updated their public pricing plan. Otherwise, the renewed offer has the same pricing as the current offer.

To turn on or turn off auto-renew, see Manage your accepted offers.

Step by step guidance