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Signup URL Redirect

Buyers Signup URL on Marketplaces goes to Suger first, then redirect to your service Signup URL.


When the buyers purchased your product in one marketplace (AWS, Azure or GCP), they would get a link to set up or register the account on your service website. The link will be directed to the Suger endpoint, after decoding and processing, it will be redirected to your service signup URL.

How it works

  1. You provide Suger with your product signup URL, for example, https://your-service-signup-url.

  2. When a buyer purchased your service in the marketplace, they get a link sent to Suger endpoint{partner}/orgId/{orgId}, where the partner can be aws, azure or gcp, and the orgId is your Suger Organization ID.

  3. Suger will take care of several interactions (including decode token, register entitlement & buyer info, etc.) and will resolve to a Suger Entitlement ID.

  4. Suger redirects the buyer to your signup URL with several query parameters https://your-service-signup-url?sugerEntitlementId=entitlement-id&partner={partner}&offerType={offerType}, as defined below:

    Query Parameter NameDefinition
    sugerEntitlementIdThe ID of this Entitlement in the Suger
    partnerThe cloud partner where this Entitlement comes from, such as aws, azure or gcp (all lowercase)
    offerTypeThe type of the Offer on which this Entitlement is based , such as DEFAULT for the default/public offer in the cloud marketplace. The possible values include UNKNOWN, AMI, CONTAINER, CONTRACT, CPPO_OUT, CPPO_IN, CPPO, CUD, DEFAULT, FIXED_FEE, FIXED_FEE_WITH_OVERAGE, FLAT_RATE, FREE_TRIAL, PAYG, PAYG_WITH_CUD, PER_USER, PRIVATE, PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES and SUBSCRIPTION
  5. Your service need to collect the sugerEntitlementId, and save it with the buyer's account. The ID can be used to fetch detailed Entitlement & Buyer info from the Suger API doc, and meter usage records as well.

  • For AWS Marketplace, there can be a delay of up to 5 minutes to send the marketplace event to notify Suger the new purchase. So when buyers set up the account immediately right after the purchase, Suger know the product & buyer info, but may not know which offer is purchased.
  • To bring better experiences, Suger creates new Entitlement with the default offer, and redirect the signup URL with the Entitlement ID. Once the marketplace event is received, the entitlement will be updated with the right Offer info. You webhook will receive the Entitlement Update event.
  • Your service is responsible to fetch the latest Entitlement info. The entitlement ID & Status are not changed in this scenario.