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Usage Metering V2

Advanced usage metering service to empower your complex usage-based business models across all cloud marketplaces with unified interfaces and easy configurations.


Compared with the 1st version of Suger usage metering service, the V2 can support much more complex and flexible usage-based pricing model, including:

  1. Filters
  2. Group Bys
  3. Aggregation types: COUNT, UNIQUE COUNT, MAX, SUM, LATEST
  4. Various pricing models: Basic, Tiered, Bulk, Volume, Percentage and Matrix
  5. Apply minimum spend
  6. Discount
  7. Credit

To define and apply your usage-based pricing model on cloud marketplaces, follow these three steps:

  1. Define billable metrics based on your pricing model, and set up the mapping between the billable metric and the usage dimension key defined in the cloud marketplace.
  2. Define billable dimensions (based on billable metrics) in the default or private offers, set up the detailed price, minimum spend, discount if applicable.
  3. Report usage records through the Suger metering API.

Create Billable Metrics

Follow the instructions in Billable Metrics.

Update Usage Metering Configs

We need to create mapping between Billable Metric and Dimension Key which was defined on marketplace.

Add Billable Dimensions in Offer

After the Billable Metric was created, we can use it to create Billable Dimension when we create the offer.

Multiple billable dimensions can be configured in one Offer. It should be noted that within one offer, the same billable metric can only be used by one billable dimension.

Price Model

Basic pricing

In a basic price model, each unit of a product or service is assigned a fixed cost.

For example, consider a company offering cloud storage services at a rate of $0.5 per gigabyte (GB). In this scenario, the unit amount is set to $0.5, indicating that each gigabyte of storage incurs a charge of $0.5.

for 100 units, 10 x 0.5(unit amount) = 5, $5 in total.

Tiered pricing

In tiered pricing, the cost of a given unit depends on the tier range that it falls into, where each tier range is defined by an upper and lower bound.

For example, the first 5 GB may cost $0.5 each, for 6 to 10 GB each unit cost $0.3 and all units thereafter may cost $0.2 each.

Tier Range (GB)Price per GB ($)
1 - 5$0.5
6 - 10$0.3

for 4 units, 4 x 0.5 = 2, $2 in total.

for 8 units, 5 x 0.5 + 3 x 0.3 = 3.4, $3.4 in total.

for 15 units, 5 x 0.5 + 5 * 0.3 + 5 * 0.2 = 5, $5 in total.

Bulk pricing

Bulk pricing applies when the size or granularity of a unit for billing purposes.

For example, if the bulk size is set to 5, then 4 units will be billed as 5 and 6 units will be billed at 10.

Bulk SizeBulk Amount

for 4 units price 1 x 5(bulk amount) = 5, $5 in total.

for 6 units price 2 x 5(bulk amount) = 10, $10 in total.

Volume pricing

Volume pricing applies when the number of units determine the cost of all units.

Number of UnitsPrice per Unit ($)Flat Fee ($)
1 - 10$0.50$5.00

For example, if you've bought 8 units, total price will be 8 x 0.5(unit price) + 5(flat fee) = 9, $9 in total.

Once you've bought more than 10 units, say 15 units, the total price will be 15 x 0.4(unit price) + 0.0(flat fee) = 6, $6 in total.

Percentage pricing

Percentage pricing applies when a per-event (e.g. per-payment) rate in one hundredth of a percent.

For example, if the price is set as following

Percentage rateFlat Fee ($)

for payment of $100, the charge will be 100 x 0.25(percentage rate) + 3(flat fee) = 27, $27 in total.

Tiered percentage pricing

Tiered percentage pricing apples when a per-event (e.g. per-payment) rate in one hundredth of a percent with several tiers.

For example, if the price is set as following

Number of UnitsPercentage rateFlat Fee ($)
1 - 100.25$3.00

for payment of 9, the charge will be 9 x 0.25(percentage rate) + 3(flat fee) = 5.25, $5.25 in total.

for payment of 20, the charge will be 10 x 0.25(percentage rate) + 3(flat fee) + 10 x 0.20(percentage rate) + 1(flat fee) = 8.5, $8.5 in total.

Matrix pricing

Matrix pricing applies when the cost of a unit depends on the combination of two or more properties.

For example, if the billable metric named disk_usage with aggregation type of SUM. Group price is set as following.

Matrix GroupProperty 1Property 2Price per Unit ($)
1partner = awsregion = east$0.5
2partner = awsregion = west$0.3
3partner = gcp$0.4

for usage records:

"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 10,
"properties": {
"region": "west",
"os": "arm",
"partner": "aws"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 10,
"properties": {
"region": "west",
"os": "arm",
"partner": "azure"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 2.5,
"properties": {
"region": "east",
"os": "arm",
"partner": "gcp"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 2.5,
"properties": {
"region": "west",
"os": "arm",
"partner": "gcp"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 10,
"properties": {
"region": "west",
"os": "linux",
"partner": "aws"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 2.5,
"properties": {
"region": "east",
"os": "arrch",
"partner": "gcp"
"key": "disk_usage",
"quantity": 2.5,
"properties": {
"region": "west",
"os": "x86",
"partner": "gcp"
  • For Group1 of partner=aws,region=east, no records, amount is 0.
  • For Group2 of partner=aws,region=west, quantity sum is 20, amount is 20 * 0.3 = 6.
  • For Group3 of partner=gcp, quantity sum is 10, amount is 10 * 0.4 = 4.
  • For Group Default, quantity sum is 10, amount is 10 * 0.2 = 2.

Total charge will be 0 + 6 + 4 + 2 = 12.

Minimum Spend and Discount

We can set Minimum Spend and Discount for each Billable Dimension.

Meter Usage Records

After an entitlement was created which contains Billable Dimensions, we can start metering usages. Your service can send a POST request to the Suger Metering API with a body similar to the following example. Suger will validate, aggregate & report them to the right vendor within the right pricing model format.

"ID": "uuid", # optional, if not provided, suger will generate one and return in the response.
"organizationID": "your-suger-org-id",
"entitlementID": "your-suger-entitlement-id",
"billableRecords": [
"key": "billable-metric-id-in-the-entitlment's-billable-dimension",
"properties": {
"custom-property-1": "val1",
"custom-property-2": "val2"
"quantity": 10