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list usageRecordReports



List usageRecordReports under the given organization, partner, entitlement or buyer, within the given time range and pagination.


Path Parameters

    orgId stringrequired

    Organization ID

Query Parameters

    partner string

    Possible values: [AWS, AZURE, GCP]

    Cloud Partner

    buyerId string

    buyer ID

    entitlementId string

    entitlement ID

    startDate string

    start date (UTC) in YYYY-MM-DD format, default is 30 days before the endDate

    endDate string

    end date (UTC) in YYYY-MM-DD format, default is today

    limit integer

    List pagination size, default 1000, max value is 1000

    offset integer

    List pagination offset, default 0




    nextOffset integer



  • Array [

  • buyerID string
    creationTime date-time
    entitlementID string
    entitlementTermID string
    id string





    The aggregated billable records from the usage metering API v2.

  • Array [

  • amount number

    Amount calculated by billable dimension's price model, this is only used for report billable usage records to marketplace.

    billableMetricAggregationType BillableMetricAggregationType (string)

    Possible values: [COUNT, UNIQUE_COUNT, SUM, MAX, LAST]





    FilterGroups is a list of filter groups. The filterGroups are connected by AND.

  • Array [

  • filters


  • Array [

  • name string
    operation BillableMetricFilterOperation (string)



    The value of the filter. The type of the value depends on the valueType.

    valueType BillableMetricFilterValueType (string)

    Possible values: [STRING, FLOAT]

  • ]

  • ]

  • groupBys string[]

    GroupBys is a list of fields to group by.

    propertyUniqueOn string

    The target property for unique count aggregate.

    groupBysExpression string

    GroupBysExpression is the string expression of array of group bys.

    key string

    Key is the unique identifier of a billable metric.

    name string

    Name is the name of a billable metric. Optional, it is only for display purpose.

    quantity number

    Value is the value of a billable metric.





    Unique property values of current hour that are new of today. Leave the value as interface{} to save space.

    property name* any

    Unique property values of current hour that are new of today. Leave the value as interface{} to save space.

  • ]

  • alibabaMeteringRequest


    Metering string



    RequestId string
    Success boolean



    ProductCode string

    Product code is used to uniquely identify a product in AWS Marketplace. The product code should be the same as the one used during the publishing of a new product.



    The set of UsageRecords to submit. BatchMeterUsage accepts up to 25 UsageRecords at a time.

  • Array [

  • CustomerIdentifier string

    The CustomerIdentifier is obtained through the ResolveCustomer operation and represents an individual buyer in your application.

    Dimension string

    During the process of registering a product on AWS Marketplace, dimensions are specified. These represent different units of value in your application.

    Quantity integer

    The quantity of usage consumed by the customer for the given dimension and time. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

    Timestamp date-time

    Timestamp, in UTC, for which the usage is being reported. Your application can meter usage for up to one hour in the past. Make sure the timestamp value is not before the start of the software usage.



    The set of UsageAllocations to submit. The sum of all UsageAllocation quantities must equal the Quantity of the UsageRecord.

  • Array [

  • AllocatedUsageQuantity integer

    The total quantity allocated to this bucket of usage.



    The set of tags that define the bucket of usage. For the bucket of items with no tags, this parameter can be left out.

  • Array [

  • Key string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag. A key is a label that acts like a category for the specific tag values.

    Value string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag. A value acts as a descriptor within a tag category (key). The value can be empty or null.

  • ]

  • ]

  • ]

  • awsMeteringResponse


    resultMetadata object

    Metadata pertaining to the operation's result.



    Contains all UsageRecords processed by BatchMeterUsage . These records were either honored by AWS Marketplace Metering Service or were invalid. Invalid records should be fixed before being resubmitted.

  • Array [

  • meteringRecordId string

    The MeteringRecordId is a unique identifier for this metering event.

    status types.UsageRecordResultStatus (string)

    Possible values: [Success, CustomerNotSubscribed, DuplicateRecord]

    The UsageRecordResult Status indicates the status of an individual UsageRecord processed by BatchMeterUsage .

    • Success- The UsageRecord was accepted and honored by BatchMeterUsage .
    • CustomerNotSubscribed- The CustomerIdentifier specified is not able to use your product. The UsageRecord was not honored. There are three causes for this result:
    • The customer identifier is invalid.
    • The customer identifier provided in the metering record does not have an active agreement or subscription with this product. Future UsageRecords for this customer will fail until the customer subscribes to your product.
    • The customer's AWS account was suspended.
    • DuplicateRecord- Indicates that the UsageRecord was invalid and not honored. A previously metered UsageRecord had the same customer, dimension, and time, but a different quantity.



    The UsageRecord that was part of the BatchMeterUsage request.

    customerIdentifier string

    The CustomerIdentifier is obtained through the ResolveCustomer operation and represents an individual buyer in your application.

    This member is required.

    dimension string

    During the process of registering a product on AWS Marketplace, dimensions are specified. These represent different units of value in your application.

    This member is required.

    quantity integer

    The quantity of usage consumed by the customer for the given dimension and time. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

    timestamp string

    Timestamp, in UTC, for which the usage is being reported. Your application can meter usage for up to one hour in the past. Make sure the timestamp value is not before the start of the software usage.

    This member is required.



    The set of UsageAllocations to submit. The sum of all UsageAllocation quantities must equal the Quantity of the UsageRecord .

  • Array [

  • allocatedUsageQuantity integer

    The total quantity allocated to this bucket of usage.

    This member is required.



    The set of tags that define the bucket of usage. For the bucket of items with no tags, this parameter can be left out.

  • Array [

  • key string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag . A key is a label that acts like a category for the specific tag values.

    This member is required.

    value string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag . A value acts as a descriptor within a tag category (key). The value can be empty or null.

    This member is required.

  • ]

  • ]

  • ]

  • unprocessedRecords


    Contains all UsageRecords that were not processed by BatchMeterUsage . This is a list of UsageRecords . You can retry the failed request by making another BatchMeterUsage call with this list as input in the BatchMeterUsageRequest .

  • Array [

  • customerIdentifier string

    The CustomerIdentifier is obtained through the ResolveCustomer operation and represents an individual buyer in your application.

    This member is required.

    dimension string

    During the process of registering a product on AWS Marketplace, dimensions are specified. These represent different units of value in your application.

    This member is required.

    quantity integer

    The quantity of usage consumed by the customer for the given dimension and time. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

    timestamp string

    Timestamp, in UTC, for which the usage is being reported. Your application can meter usage for up to one hour in the past. Make sure the timestamp value is not before the start of the software usage.

    This member is required.



    The set of UsageAllocations to submit. The sum of all UsageAllocation quantities must equal the Quantity of the UsageRecord .

  • Array [

  • allocatedUsageQuantity integer

    The total quantity allocated to this bucket of usage.

    This member is required.



    The set of tags that define the bucket of usage. For the bucket of items with no tags, this parameter can be left out.

  • Array [

  • key string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag . A key is a label that acts like a category for the specific tag values.

    This member is required.

    value string

    One part of a key-value pair that makes up a tag . A value acts as a descriptor within a tag category (key). The value can be empty or null.

    This member is required.

  • ]

  • ]

  • ]

  • azureMeteringRequest




  • Array [

  • dimension string

    Dimension identifier

    effectiveStartTime string

    Time in UTC when the usage event occurred

    planId string

    Plan associated with the purchased offer

    quantity number

    Number of units consumed

    resourceId string

    subscriptionId property value for SaaS offer subscriptions; resourceUsageId property on the managed application resource for managed application offers. For managed applications, only use one of resourceId or resourceUri.

    resourceUri string

    Resource URI for the managed app. Used with managed applications. Only use resourceUri or resourceId, but never both.

  • ]

  • azureMeteringResponse


    count integer



  • Array [

  • dimension string

    Dimension identifier

    effectiveStartTime string

    Time in UTC when the usage event occurred







    dimension string

    Dimension identifier

    effectiveStartTime string

    Time in UTC when the usage event occurred

    messageTime string

    Time this message was created in UTC

    planId string

    Plan associated with the purchased offer

    quantity number

    Number of units consumed

    resourceId string

    Identifier of the resource against which usage is emitted

    resourceUri string

    Identifier of the managed app resource against which usage is emitted

    status github_com_sugerio_marketplace-service_third_party_azure_sdk_marketplacemeteringv1.UsageEventStatusEnum (string)

    Possible values: [Accepted, Expired, Duplicate, Error, ResourceNotFound, ResourceNotAuthorized, InvalidDimension, InvalidQuantity, BadArgument]

    Status of the operation.

    usageEventId string

    Unique identifier associated with the usage event

    code string
    message string
    messageTime string

    Time this message was created in UTC

    planId string

    Plan associated with the purchased offer

    quantity number

    Number of units consumed

    resourceId string

    Identifier of the resource against which usage is emitted

    resourceUri string

    Identifier of the managed app resource against which usage is emitted

    status github_com_sugerio_marketplace-service_third_party_azure_sdk_marketplacemeteringv1.UsageEventStatusEnum (string)

    Possible values: [Accepted, Expired, Duplicate, Error, ResourceNotFound, ResourceNotAuthorized, InvalidDimension, InvalidQuantity, BadArgument]

    Status of the operation.

    usageEventId string

    Unique identifier associated with the usage event

  • ]

  • commitAmount number

    The amount of the commit if applicable.

    creditAmount number

    The amount of the credit if applicable.



    The credit usage records in the map of <DimensionKey, Count> for usage metering API v1.

    property name* number



    The decimal parts of the usage dimension quantity in the map of <DimensionKey, DecimalPart>, before this usage record report.

    property name* number



    The categories of the usage records in the map of <DimensionKey, Category>. The dimension category is required when reporting usage records to Alibaba Marketplace. It comes from the metering dimension category.

    property name* string



    The public list price of each dimension in the map of <DimensionKey, UnitPrice>.

    property name* number



    The unit price of each dimension in the map of <DimensionKey, UnitPrice>. It can be the negotiated price in the private offer or the public list price.

    property name* number
    endTime date-time

    time in UTC when the UsageRecordReport ends



    consumerId string

    ConsumerId: Identity of the consumer who is using the service. This field should be filled in for the operations initiated by a consumer, but not for service-initiated operations that are not related to a specific consumer. - This can be in one of the following formats: - project:PROJECT_ID, - project_number:PROJECT_NUMBER, - projects/PROJECT_ID or PROJECT_NUMBER, - folders/FOLDER_NUMBER, - organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER, - api_key:API_KEY.

    endTime string

    EndTime: End time of the operation. Required when the operation is used in ServiceController.Report, but optional when the operation is used in ServiceController.Check.



    Labels: Labels describing the operation. Only the following labels are allowed: - Labels describing monitored resources as defined in the service configuration. - Default labels of metric values. When specified, labels defined in the metric value override these default.

    • The following labels defined by Google Cloud Platform: - describing the location where the operation happened, - describing the user agent of the API request, - describing the service used to handle the API request (e.g. ESP), - describing the platform where the API is served, such as App Engine, Compute Engine, or Kubernetes Engine.

    property name* string



    MetricValueSets: Represents information about this operation. Each MetricValueSet corresponds to a metric defined in the service configuration. The data type used in the MetricValueSet must agree with the data type specified in the metric definition. Within a single operation, it is not allowed to have more than one MetricValue instances that have the same metric names and identical label value combinations. If a request has such duplicated MetricValue instances, the entire request is rejected with an invalid argument error.

  • Array [

  • metricName string

    MetricName: The metric name defined in the service configuration.



    MetricValues: The values in this metric.

  • Array [

  • boolValue boolean

    BoolValue: A boolean value.

    doubleValue number

    DoubleValue: A double precision floating point value.

    endTime string

    EndTime: The end of the time period over which this metric value's measurement applies. If not specified, google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.end_time will be used.

    int64Value string

    Int64Value: A signed 64-bit integer value.



    Labels: The labels describing the metric value. See comments on google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.labels for the overriding relationship. Note that this map must not contain monitored resource labels.

    property name* string



    MoneyValue: A money value.

    currencyCode string

    CurrencyCode: The three-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.

    nanos integer

    Nanos: Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount. The value must be between -999,999,999 and +999,999,999 inclusive. If units is positive, nanos must be positive or zero. If units is zero, nanos can be positive, zero, or negative. If units is negative, nanos must be negative or zero. For example $-1.75 is represented as units=-1 and nanos=-750,000,000.

    units string

    Units: The whole units of the amount. For example if currencyCode is "USD", then 1 unit is one US dollar.

    startTime string

    StartTime: The start of the time period over which this metric value's measurement applies. The time period has different semantics for different metric types (cumulative, delta, and gauge). See the metric definition documentation in the service configuration for details. If not specified, google.api.servicecontrol.v1.Operation.start_time will be used.

    stringValue string

    StringValue: A text string value.

  • ]

  • ]

  • operationId string

    OperationId: Identity of the operation. This must be unique within the scope of the service that generated the operation. If the service calls Check() and Report() on the same operation, the two calls should carry the same id. UUID version 4 is recommended, though not required. In scenarios where an operation is computed from existing information and an idempotent id is desirable for deduplication purpose, UUID version 5 is recommended. See RFC 4122 for details.

    operationName string

    OperationName: Fully qualified name of the operation. Reserved for future use.

    startTime string

    StartTime: Required. Start time of the operation.





    ReportErrors: Partial failures, one for each Operation in the request that failed processing. There are three possible combinations of the RPC status:

    1. The combination of a successful RPC status and an empty report_errors list indicates a complete success where all Operations in the request are processed successfully. 2. The combination of a successful RPC status and a non-empty report_errors list indicates a partial success where some Operations in the request succeeded. Each Operation that failed processing has a corresponding item in this list. 3. A failed RPC status indicates a general non-deterministic failure. When this happens, it's impossible to know which of the 'Operations' in the request succeeded or failed.

  • Array [

  • operationId string

    OperationId: The Operation.operation_id value from the request.



    Status: Details of the error when processing the Operation.

    code integer

    Code: The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.

    details array[]

    Details: A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.

    message string

    Message: A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.

  • ]

  • serviceConfigId string

    ServiceConfigId: The actual config id used to process the request.

    serviceRolloutId string

    ServiceRolloutId: The current service rollout id used to process the request.



    The included usage records in the map of <DimensionKey, Count> for usage metering API v1.

    property name* number
    message string



    The decimal parts of the usage dimension quantity in the map of <DimensionKey, DecimalPart>, after this usage record report.

    property name* number
    partner string

    The partner where this usage record report is sent to. Such as AWS, AZURE or GCP.



    The usage records to report before the adjustment by the commit with additional usage at list price, in the map of <DimensionKey, Count>.

    property name* number



    The reported usage records in the map of <DimensionKey, Count> for usage metering API v1.

    property name* number
    startTime date-time

    time in UTC when the UsageRecordReport starts

    status UsageRecordReportStatus (string)


    usageRecordGroupIds string[]

    The IDs of UsageRecordGroups aggregated in this UsageRecordReport.

    usedCommitAmount number

    The amount of the used commit before this usage record report if applicable.

    usedCommitAmountIncrement number

    The amount of the used commit increment in this usage record report if applicable.

    usedCreditAmount number

    The amount of the used credit before this usage record report if applicable.

    usedCreditAmountIncrement number

    The amount of the used credit increment in this usage record report if applicable.

    organizationID string
    partner string
    productID string
  • ]
