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list usageRecordGroups



List UsageRecordGroups by the given organization, partner, product, entitlement or buyer. Only provide one or none of the optional query parameters: partner, productId, entitlementId & buyerId .


Path Parameters

    orgId stringrequired

    Organization ID

Query Parameters

    partner string

    Possible values: [AWS, AZURE, GCP]

    Cloud Partner

    buyerId string

    filter by buyer ID, default no filter by buyerId if not provided

    entitlementId string

    filter by entitlement ID, default no filter by entitlementId if not provided

    status string


    The status of the usage record group, default no filter by status if not provided

    source string

    Possible values: [``, API, INTERNAL, LAGO, METRONOME, ORB, STRIPE]

    The source of the usage record group, default no filter by source if not provided

    metaInfo string

    metaInfo filter

    startDate string

    start date (UTC) in YYYY-MM-DD format, default is 30 days before the endDate

    endDate string

    end date (UTC) in YYYY-MM-DD format, default is today

    limit integer

    List pagination size, default 1000, max value is 1000

    offset integer

    List pagination offset, default 0




    nextOffset integer



  • Array [

  • buyerID string
    creationTime date-time
    entitlementID string
    id string
    lastUpdateTime date-time



    SkipValidation boolean

    If it is true, the validation of the usage record group is skipped.



    for usage metering API v2

  • Array [

  • key string

    Key is the unique identifier of a billable metric.



    Properties is the filters of a billable metric. It should be equal to the filters of the billable metric.

    property name* any

    Properties is the filters of a billable metric. It should be equal to the filters of the billable metric.

    quantity number

    The quantity (or numeric value) of a billable metric.

  • ]

  • lagoAmount number

    The lago amount (in dollars) of the customer. This field keeps the largest of the monthly amount. So it can only be updated when the invoice month increases.

    lagoSubscriptionID string

    The lago subscription ID of the customer.

    lagoUsageStartTime date-time

    The lago usage start time of the customer usage.

    metronomeDailyCostAmount number

    The metronome daily cost amount (in dollars) of the customer.

    metronomeInvoiceID string

    The metronome invoice ID of the customer.

    metronomeMonthlyInvoiceAmount number

    The metronome monthly invoice amount (in dollars) of the customer. This field keeps the largest amount of the invoice month. So it can only be updated when the invoice month increases.

    metronomeMonthlyInvoiceAmountAdjusted number

    The metronome monthly invoice amount (in dollars) of the customer, which is adjusted by the seller. This field is populated only when the invoice amount is decreased by the seller via credit granting.



    The original records reported by the customer before convertion. If no dimension mapping is applied, this field is the same as the records field.

    property name* number
    source UsageRecordGroupSource (string)

    Possible values: [``, API, INTERNAL, LAGO, METRONOME, ORB, STRIPE]

    stripeInvoiceID string
    stripePeriodEndTime date-time

    The stripe period end time of the summary or invoice. UTC time in format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ".

    stripePeriodStartTime date-time

    The stripe period start time of the summary or invoice. UTC time in format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ".

    stripeSubscriptionItemID string
    stripeUsageRecordSummaryID string
    stripeUsageRecordSummaryTotalUsage integer
    timestamp date-time

    The timestamp (UTC)) of when the usage records were generated. Optional, if not provided, the current report timestamp will be used.

    organizationID string
    partner string

    Possible values: [AWS, AZURE, GCP]



    property name* number
    reportedTime date-time


    serialID integer
    status string
    usageRecordReportID string
  • ]
